§5123. Contraband.  

Latest version.
  • (a) Controlled substance contraband to confined persons prohibited.--A person commits a felony of the second degree if he sells, gives, transmits or furnishes to any convict in a prison, or inmate in a mental hospital, or gives away in or brings into any prison, mental hospital, or any building appurtenant thereto, or on the land granted to or owned or leased by the Commonwealth or county for the use and benefit of the prisoners or inmates, or puts in any place where it may be secured by a convict of a prison, inmate of a mental hospital, or employee thereof, any controlled substance included in Schedules I through V of the act of April 14, 1972 (P.L.233, No.64), known as The Controlled Substance, Drug, Device and Cosmetic Act, (except the ordinary hospital supply of the prison or mental hospital) without a written permit signed by the physician of such institution, specifying the quantity and quality of the substance which may be furnished to any convict, inmate, or employee in the prison or mental hospital, the name of the prisoner, inmate, or employee for whom, and the time when the same may be furnished, which permit shall be delivered to and kept by the warden or superintendent of the prison or mental hospital.

    (a.1) Mandatory minimum penalty.--Any person convicted of a violation of subsection (a) shall be sentenced to a minimum sentence of at least two years of total confinement, notwithstanding any other provision of this title or any other statute to the contrary. Nothing in this subsection shall prevent the sentencing court from imposing a sentence greater than that provided in this subsection, up to the maximum penalty prescribed by this title for a felony of the second degree. There shall be no authority in any court to impose on an offender to which this subsection is applicable any lesser sentence than provided for in subsection (a) or to place such offender on probation or to suspend sentence. Sentencing guidelines promulgated by the Pennsylvania Commission on Sentencing shall not supersede the mandatory sentences provided in this subsection. If a sentencing court refuses to apply this subsection where applicable, the Commonwealth shall have the right to appellate review of the action of the sentencing court. The appellate court shall vacate the sentence and remand the case to the sentencing court for imposition of a sentence in accordance with this subsection if it finds that the sentence was imposed in violation of this subsection.

    (a.2) Possession of controlled substance contraband by inmate prohibited.--A prisoner or inmate commits a felony of the second degree if he unlawfully has in his possession or under his control any controlled substance in violation of section 13(a)(16) of The Controlled Substance, Drug, Device and Cosmetic Act. For purposes of this subsection, no amount shall be deemed de minimis.

    (b) Money to inmates prohibited.--A person commits a misdemeanor of the third degree if he gives or furnishes money to any inmate confined in a State or county correctional institution, provided notice of this prohibition is adequately posted at the institution. A person may, however, deposit money with the superintendent, warden, or other authorized individual in charge of a State or county correctional institution for the benefit and use of an inmate confined therein, which shall be credited to the inmate's account and expended in accordance with the rules and regulations of the institution. The person making the deposit shall be provided with a written receipt for the amount deposited.

    (c) Contraband other than controlled substance.--A person commits a misdemeanor of the first degree if he sells, gives or furnishes to any convict in a prison, or inmate in a mental hospital, or gives away in or brings into any prison, mental hospital, or any building appurtenant thereto, or on the land granted to or owned or leased by the Commonwealth or county for the use and benefit of the prisoners or inmates, or puts in any place where it may be secured by a convict of a prison, inmate of a mental hospital, or employee thereof, any kind of spirituous or fermented liquor, medicine or poison (except the ordinary hospital supply of the prison or mental hospital) without a written permit signed by the physician of such institution, specifying the quantity and quality of the substance which may be furnished to any convict, inmate or employee in the prison or mental hospital, the name of the prisoner, inmate or employee for whom, and the time when the same may be furnished, which permit shall be delivered to and kept by the warden or superintendent of the prison or mental hospital.

    (c.1) Telecommunication devices to inmates prohibited.--A person commits a misdemeanor of the first degree if, without the written permission of superintendent, warden or otherwise authorized individual in charge of a correctional institution, prison, jail, detention facility or mental hospital, he sells, gives or furnishes to any inmate in a correctional institution, prison, jail, detention facility or mental hospital, or any building appurtenant thereto, or puts in any place where it may be obtained by an inmate of a correctional institution, prison, jail, detention facility or mental hospital, any telecommunication device.

    (c.2) Possession of telecommunication devices by inmates prohibited.--An inmate in a correctional institution, prison, jail, detention facility or mental hospital, or any building appurtenant thereto, commits a misdemeanor of the first degree if he has in his possession any telecommunication device without the written permission of the superintendent, warden or otherwise authorized individual in charge of a correctional institution, prison, jail, detention facility or mental hospital.

    (d) Drug-sniffing animals.--Any jail or prison may use dogs or other animals trained to sniff controlled substances or other contraband for such purposes in or on any part of the jail or prison at any time.

    (e) Definitions.--As used in this section, the following words and phrases shall have the meanings given to them in this subsection:

    "Inmate." A male or female offender who is committed to, under sentence to or confined in a penal or correctional institution.

    "Telecommunication device." Any type of instrument, device, machine or equipment which is capable of transmitting telephonic, electronic, digital, cellular or radio communications or any part of such instrument, device, machine or equipment which is capable of facilitating the transmission of telephonic, electronic, digital, cellular or radio communications. The term shall include, but not be limited to, cellular phones, digital phones and modem equipment devices.

(June 23, 1978, P.L.498, No.77, eff. 60 days; Dec. 19, 1988, P.L.1275, No.158, eff. 60 days; Dec. 22, 1989, P.L.753, No.105, eff. 60 days; July 6, 1995, 1st Sp.Sess., P.L.1049, No.18, eff. 60 days; June 25, 1997, P.L.284, No.26, eff. 60 days; June 28, 2002, P.L.494, No.84, eff. 60 days)


2002 Amendment.  Act 84 added subsecs. (c.1), (c.2) and (e).

1997 Amendment.  Act 26 amended subsec. (a.2).

1995 Amendment.  Act 18, 1st Sp.Sess., added subsecs. (a.1), (a.2) and (d).

1989 Amendment.  Act 105 amended subsec. (a) and added subsec. (c).

Cross References.  Section 5123 is referred to in section 3513 of Title 61 (Prisons and Parole).