§ 6331. Establishment of Statewide database.
§ 6332. Establishment of Statewide toll-free telephone number.
§ 6333. Continuous availability of department.
§ 6334. Disposition of complaints received.
§ 6334.1. Responsibility for investigation.
§ 6335. Access to information in Statewide database.
§ 6336. Information in Statewide database.
§ 6337. Disposition and expunction of unfounded reports and general protective services reports.
§ 6338. Disposition of founded and indicated reports.
§ 6338.1. Expunction of information of perpetrator who was under 18 years of age when child abuse was committed.
§ 6339. Confidentiality of reports.
§ 6340. Release of information in confidential reports.
§ 6340.1. Exchange of information.
§ 6341. Amendment or expunction of information.
§ 6342. Studies of data in records.
§ 6343. Investigating performance of county agency.
§ 6343.1. Citizen review panels.
§ 6344. Employees having contact with children; adoptive and foster parents.
§ 6344.1. Information relating to certified or registered day-care home residents.
§ 6344.2. Volunteers having contact with children.
§ 6344.3. Continued employment or participation in program, activity or service.
§ 6344.4. Certification compliance.
§ 6345. Audits by Attorney General.
§ 6346. Cooperation of other agencies.
§ 6347. Reports to Governor and General Assembly.
§ 6348. Regulations.
§ 6349. Penalties.