Cross References. Subchapter A is referred to in section 103 of this title; sections 2114, 2362, 2380.8,
2504, 6718, 6723, 6915, 6920, 7115 of Title 3 (Agriculture); sections 1204, 1518 of
Title 4 (Amusements); section 6138 of Title 7 (Banks and Banking); section 6205 of
Title 12 (Commerce and Trade); section 503 of Title 17 (Credit Unions); section 3022
of Title 18 (Crimes and Offenses); section 8617 of Title 20 (Decedents, Estates and
Fiduciaries); section 5103 of Title 23 (Domestic Relations); section 8901 of Title
24 (Education); section 763 of Title 42 (Judiciary and Judicial Procedure); section
323 of Title 57 (Notaries Public); sections 4506, 6137, 6139 of Title 61 (Prisons
and Parole); section 13A02 of Title 65 (Public Officers); section 1105 of Title 67
(Public Welfare); sections 9104, 9303 of Title 74 (Transportation).